Kari Meehan
Board Certified Massage Therapist

My Credentials

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork is the highest voluntary credential a massage therapist can obtain within the profession—it is above and beyond entry level state licensure. By becoming Board Certified, I represent a community of therapists who have gone above standard educational and work experience requirements with a dedicated and lifelong commit to continuing education. Furthermore, I live up to higher standards and ethics in alignment with The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

To achieve my Board Certification, I provided proof of a minimum of 750 hours of education, 250 hours of professional, hands-on work experience, passed a criminal background check, agreed to uphold NCBTMB's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, and passed the Board Certification Exam. By passing the BCETMB and meeting all requirements, I demonstrate advanced assessment and critical thinking skills, as well as a commitment to excellence. I wear the credentials BCTMB with pride for myself, my profession, and, most importantly, my clients.

Society for Oncology Massage Preferred Practioner

Also known as S4OM, Society for Oncology Massage exists to support and educate massage therapists, consumers and health professionals about the value and specific considerations and applications of oncology massage.  S4OM requires it's Preferred Practioners complete a recognized foundational course and maintain oncology massage continuing education hours.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Certified Massage Therapist

ABMP is a massage professional organization providing continuing education and insurance needs to qualified members.  In order to maintain membership with ABMP members must complete continuing education in the field of massage every year and agree to abide by the Massage Therapy code of ethics.

Unite for Her Approved Provider

Unite For Her is an organization committed to helping women diagnosed with either breast or ovarian cancer find peace and comfort throughout their treatment by providing complimentary alternative therapies in order to promote physical and emotional wellness.

Muscle Release Technique / Repetitive Use Injury Therapy Trained

Muscle Release Technique (MRT) is a patented technique for any type of repetitive strain injuries.  This technique is beneficial to those suffering with Carpal Tunnel, Sciatica, and Tennis Elbow Syndromes just to name a few.  MRT utilizes gentle stretching while pressure on the muscle helps break up scar tissue and rebuild muscle memory.

Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist (CMLDT)

Trained in the Vodder Techniques of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), this modality increases the movement of lymph and interstitial fluid.  Through utilizing gentle, circular stretching of the skin in the direction of lymph flow, drainage of the lymphatic fluid is increased.  MLD is known for it's soothing and analgesic effects as well as it's effectiveness in re-directing fluid around blocked areas caused by lymph node removal and scar tissue.